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发布时间:2022-09-12 18:49   浏览量:4

汉爱手表诞生于1908年,英文名为hand love,HAND寓意名词"手腕"和动词"传递"。LOVE寓意为"爱",一语双关,诠释了瑞士汉爱表诉求:腕上之爱,传递大爱。HAND love(汉爱表)隆重登陆中国,以中西方文化中都寓意深刻汉爱为中文命名,音译上口,寓意中华民族的大爱,完美诠释其品牌高贵典雅气质。The Chinese love watch was born in 1908, the English name is love hand, the HAND meaning noun "wrist" and the verb "transmission". LOVE stands for "love", a phrase with a double meaning, interpretation of the Swiss Chinese love table demands: wrist love, passing love. Hand love (Han Aibiao) grand landed in China, in the Chinese and Western culture implication profound Chinese love for Chinese named,, catchy, meaning of the love of the Chinese nation, the perfect interpretation of the brand elegant temperament.

标签: 怎么样 / 手表 / 汉爱 / Handlove / 
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