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发布时间:2022-09-16 15:51   浏览量:19

I have a lots of daydream.I want to be a docoter,a teacher,a astronaut,have a lot,a lot…… I want to daydream about be a docoter,because

  I want to save a lot of people.And let other healther. I want to daydream about be a star,because in other presence show one’s strong suit. I want to daydream about be a astronaut,because I want to go to monn.

  I want to daydream about have a big house with a big swimming pool and hurst motte wood.I think it’s vrry beautiful.I want to daydream about have a beautiful car.It’s a four door and blue hull.After,I was wake up,I just I think Iwas daydream.

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